Saturday, July 14, 2007

DnD Encounter Table Utility

DnD Encounter Table Utility

I created a utility to list the number of monsters for a specified EL.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Space Access

As you might note from my links page, I am a bit of a space groupie. Specifically, I'm interested in anything that will get us into space. I put together a squidoo lens that points to some of my favorite web sites.

There are some small launch companies that might be the ones to get us a permanent presence in space.

So, if you are interested in Space Access, visit my lens: Access to Space

Thursday, June 28, 2007

My first GURPS book reviewed!

I just gave a long review of the GURPS 4th Ed Basic Set for Characters in the Product Review section.

It took long enough. I'm going to be running a GURPS campaign soon so I'm reading the books that I'll need for it. It will take place in the modern world but with the introduction of magic. I really wasn't thrilled with the 3rd Ed Techno Magic suppliment. So, I am creating my own world for it. I'll discuss that more as I get something concrete.

Monday, June 25, 2007

RPG games for Cell Phones

I found a great blog that has does game reviews of a platform that I had never considered.

It is Mobile Game Reviews.

My interest is mostly paper and pencil games so those are the reviews you'll be seeing from me. If you are interested in RPGs that you can play on your cell phone, check out his site. I didn't know there were so many cell phone games out there.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

New Review

I just wrote up a review for the d20 Spell Compendium here

Thursday, April 5, 2007

New file in Shareware/Freeware

I've added spell list spreadsheet for Bards in the shareware/freeware section

Monday, April 2, 2007

What's new

I just fixed a broken link for the Druid spell list in the shareware section.

I'm also mostly done with the Bard Spell list. Next up is revisiting the animal companions for Druids.

Friday, March 30, 2007

New file in Shareware/Freeware section

The Druid Spell List is now in the Shareware/Freeware section.

It isn't complete yet. I have the spells and the wild shape (plus other druid abilities) done but the animal companion section is not yet complete.

Friday, March 23, 2007

New post in Shareware/Freeware

I put a new file up in the shareware/freeware section. It is a file for sharing new spells. If you have a list of spells you want to share with other players, check it out.

Updates to shareware

I updated the arcane and cleric spell lists in the Shareware/Freeware section.

They now sort spells by level then name. That way, when you are filling out your first level spells, you don't have to hunt through the entire list.

A couple of interesting interesting sites I found

This is a site that is a general site about writing but has some gaming and SF content.

This one is a Gaming blog

The blog's title says it all: D&D, AD&D and d20 background materials

Thursday, March 22, 2007

I'm currently working on the Druid's Spell list

It is almost done. I am, at the moment, tracking down the stats for the Druid's animal companion options so you don't have to calculate them.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

New Review Added

Player's Handbook II - There was a lot that didn't interest me in this book but there were a couple of sections that, by themselves, were worth the cost of the book as I will be referring back to them for as long sa 3.5 lasts.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Shareware Utilities

I've added spell book/spell list spreadsheets for mages and clerics in the shareware/freeware section

Reviews added

I've added reviews for:

Complete Arcane - I like this book a lot but then I have a fondess for arcane casters.

Complete Mage - This book wasn't as usefull to me as Complete Arcane but it has some good stuff in it.

Complete Adventurer - This is really good for stealthy or skill based characters. It supports many cross class options too.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Welcome to Review Page for Gamers

Welcome to my review page. Eventually, I'm going to set up a bulletin board on this site for the reviews and the shareware and freeware products.

At the moment, however, it will be done using tables so updates will be slower.

At the moment I've got a review for the Complete Arcane.

I also have 4 utility files up in the shareware/freeware area.

Check them out. If you have any comments, email me at rpgs at cox dot net.